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​In the last two years alone, as co-counsel or co-lead counsel, India has resolved four class action wage and hour cases over $1 million and, in the past five years, has resolved over 10 cases between $250,000 and $800,000.  As co-counsel, and/or with local counsel, India represents individuals in racial and sexual harassment and/or retaliation cases in several states. India and her co-counsel and local counsel currently have over 50 class cases pending in State and Federal Courts, in Washington and other jurisdictions. 

India is currently co-lead counsel in a class action gender discrimination and Equal Pay Act case against Nike, and represents thousands of workers in wage and hour class action cases.

Results & Press


​​Mailing: 2522 North Proctor Street No. 387

Tacoma, WA 98406

Tel: 253-212-7913

Office by appointment only.

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